Toronto: (416) 504 2259
Andrew Rogerson
Andrew Rogerson founded the Rogerson Law Group in 2006 after practicing law for over 25 years. The firm has flourished since then, growing to include more than 10 lawyers and winning numerous awards.
Andrew specializes in trust and estate litigation as well as bankruptcy and family property. He is an experienced cross-border advocate and leading Canadian authority on asset protection structures and litigating trust issues – with 11 years’ experience practicing in offshore tax havens.
Andrew has earned a formidable reputation as a successful litigator, having conducted hundreds of trials, applications, and appeals both in Canada and overseas. He also undertakes several pro bono criminal trials each year.
Andrew was called to the Bar of England and Wales in 1981 by Middle Temple and served his pupillage in the Insolvency Chambers of Michael Crystal QC, at 3-4 South Square, Gray’s Inn. Since then, his extensive international legal experience includes practicing in South Africa, Australia, the Turks and Caicos Islands, Jersey (Channel Islands), Ontario, Alberta, and as a barrister in London. He is also a Full Member of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP).
Media and Publications
Over many years Andrew has been asked to comment on developments such as the Panama Papers; give lectures and presentations to professional groups in the Persian Gulf and North America and most recently acted as consultant on trust litigation to Globe and Mail journalist Alexandra Posadzki when writing her seminal work: Rogers v. Rogers: The Battle for Control of Canada’s Telecom Empire.
Awards and Accolades
Andrew has received many accolades over the years: particularly maintaining his ranking in Chambers High Net Worth.

“What sets Andrew Rogerson apart from any other lawyer is the peace of mind he delivers when handling any of your legal matters. The worry of any legal matter can be overwhelming, however through his professionalism and developed talent, Andrew eliminates this.”
“A competent and outstanding lawyer… an excellent litigator who is persistent in his approach and unflinching when confronted with vigorous opposition.”