When you are thinking about hiring an estate planning lawyer, you need to keep this in mind that one wrong word or signature missed can change the direction of a will or trust. So, today we will talk about why you need to hire an estate lawyer to draft your documents.
Estate Lawyers are Necessary as Estate Plans are Ruled by Provincial Laws
Provincial rules are strict and specific about what should be there and what should not be there in a will, trust, power of attorney, or medical documents. If you need a spokesperson for your personal needs, health care, or trustee, you need to follow the provincial rules. Also, what conventions must be followed when signing a power of attorney, will, or trust. When you have a qualified estate lawyer by your side, you can avoid costly mistakes.

Buyer Must Beware
When you decide to prepare your estate planning document, don’t think to save a few dollars by using the steps or forms found on the internet because it will not work. Your family might find that all your will, trust, medical, or power of attorney is not valid legally and it is not like you had expected. It will be hard then for your family to work with an estate planning lawyer to correct all your mistakes.
Avoiding the hassle of will Disputes and Probate
When your will is carefully drafted by an wills & estate lawyer, it can help you to avoid will disputes and probate which can be very costly. So, think about it. Saving a few dollars in drafting a will, will mean higher costs down the road.
So, to avoid these costly errors, it is recommended to hire an estate planning lawyer. If you are looking for an estate lawyer in Toronto then we can help you. Rogerson Law Group specializes in Estate Litigation, Probate, Asset Protection, Family Law, Bankruptcy, Drafting Wills, Will disputes, etc. Call us at 416-504-2259 for a consultation today.